Ever Harvest Geosynthetics

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Expressway construction case
Time:2023-12-06 15:37:26 Author:创始人


In road construction, surface treatment of the base layer is very important. In many cases, composite geomembranes are laid on the base or bottom surface to ensure that the road is not damaged by the underground soil layer. Composite geomembrane is a type of geomembrane composed of polymer film and geotextile. It has the characteristics of geomembrane and geotextile. Here, the role of composite geomembranes in road engineering is analyzed, hoping to help everyone better understand this material.

1、 The role of composite geomembrane in road engineering

1. Isolation effect

Placing composite geomembranes between two different material development methods, different particle sizes of the same research material, or between the soil surface and the structural design of the upper construction enterprise can simultaneously isolate them. When the road surface is subjected to external environmental loads, although these materials are mainly subjected to stress analysis and compression, the composite geomembranes are separated in the middle, preventing them from mixing or losing each other. They can maintain the overall economic structure and function of the road foundation materials themselves, and are widely used in China's railway, highway subgrade, earth and rock dam engineering, soft soil foundation data processing and other engineering projects.

2. Protective effect

Composite geomembranes can play a role in dispersing stress. When external forces are transmitted from one object to another, they can decompose the stress, prevent external forces from damaging the soil, and thus provide protection for road materials. The main protective function of composite geotextile is to protect the internal contact surface, that is, when a material is subjected to concentrated stress, it is placed between two materials without damaging the other material.

3. Reinforcement effect

Composite geomembranes have high tensile strength. By embedding them in soil or road surface for structural design and adjusting their positions, they can mainly distribute and manage stress in soil or road surface structures, transmit tensile stress, limit their lateral horizontal displacement, enhance their frictional resistance with the development of construction materials in soil or road structure layers, and continuously improve the strength of composite structures formed by soil or road surface structure layers and geosynthetic materials. This effectively constrains the shape of soil or road surface structure layers, suppresses or reduces uneven settlement of soil, and enhances the stability of soil or road structure layers with reinforcement function.

Composite geomembranes play various roles in road engineering, but they play different primary and secondary roles in different engineering locations. The general isolation function between the crushed stone base and the highway foundation is primary, followed by protection and reinforcement. When constructing highways on weak foundations, the reinforcement of composite geomembranes can play a role in controlling the soil.

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